Saturday, February 19, 2011

Are Men Better Boyfriends In Their Next Relationship?

Breaking up

Lately we've been talking a bit about breakups and the lessons we learn from relationships that have ended—but do men actually get more out of a "failed" relationship than women? A guy friend of mine, let's call him Adam, says—and we're both aware that this is generalization—that men are almost always better boyfriends in their next relationship than they were in the one that came before it. Hence the reason why women can sometimes be heard complaining, post-breakup, something along the lines of, "The girl who gets him next is getting all of the benefits of my hard work! He wasn't this sensitive/emotional mature/considerate when we first started dating—I had to teach him all that! And now some other chick is going to get to enjoy all those things, having no idea that it was my doing. No fair!" C'mon, you know you've at least thought something similar about an ex. I know I have!


Danica Patrick Busy Philipps Kate Groombridge Talisa Soto Anna Kournikova

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