Thursday, April 28, 2011

Breaking Dawn Bonus Pic! Taylor Lautner Runs in the Rain!

It's a werewolf! It's a man! It's...Taylor Lautner running in the rain!

Tanned, toned and barefoot, Taylor gives us his best Jacob in this new pic from Breaking Dawn.

Rack your Twi-hard brains and see if you know which part of the new flick this scene could be from...

PHOTOS: Before They Were Vampires

There are a few theories floating around!

The most likely of which being that this is Jacob's reaction after being invited to Edward and Bella's wedding. The pic definitely looks like it could be Jacob running in the rain heartbroken while clutching Bella and Edward's wedding invitation.

Even the sky is crying for him!

Another possibility is this could be when Bella drops off the paperwork for Jacob and Renesmee explaining what would happen if something were to occur to her and Edward. And evidently he is not too happy about it.

Why do you think Jacob is willing to get that perfectly gelled hair of his wet in this still from the flick?

And this is just one of many new Breaking Dawn photos in Entertainment Weekly out tomorrow! Which pic do you think is hotter of Lautner: the rain action shot or this cover keeper?

Next time, Taylor, let's get this same pic but with your shirt off!

WATCH: Taylor Lautner at the Eclipse premiere

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