Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Will Casey Anthony Testify?

Will Casey Anthony Testify? | Casey Anthony

Red Huber/Orlando Sentinel/MCT/Landov

Since the beginning of the Casey Anthony trial ? which on Monday entered its 40th day ? nearly 50 people have testified, hoping to explain what happened on June 16, 2008 ? the day that 2-year-old Caylee Anthony was last seen alive. Family, friends, law enforcement and experts have each told their own version of events.

The result: The truth is still elusive, and it seems Casey Anthony may be the only person with answers.

But will she take the stand? Now that her family has begun defending her in open court, it seems more unlikely that Anthony ? a known liar ? will speak on her own behalf (even though, this weekend, it was determined she is competent to stand trial).

"The defense would be crazy to have her take the stand," says Orlando defense attorney Richard Hornsby, who is not associated with the Anthony case. "She would be torn apart during cross-examination."

The defense still needs to prove some claims: Namely, that Casey's father, George, repeatedly molested her as a child, and that he disposed of Caylee's body after she accidentally drowned. (George Anthony has already denied any wrongdoing.)

"They were very explicit in their claims. They were X-rated. And Casey is the only one who can establish some of those claims," says John Morgan, a prominent Orlando attorney. "She may be a convincing liar, but she is not credible."

"It looks like her family is taking the stand for her," says Hornsby. "But will it work? Cindy's testimony reminds me just of [defense attorney Jose] Baez's opening statement. It was great television, but once you sit back and process it, it doesn't make a lot of sense. I've seen it happen many times, when a loved one gets up to testify for a family member. Juries recognize the testimony for what it's worth. They'll want to hear from Casey."

If Casey Anthony does take the stand, the jury ? and the world ? will be listening.

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Source: http://feeds.people.com/~r/people/headlines/~3/7g-g7PrpU7U/0,,20505756,00.html

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