Friday, April 1, 2011

American Idol Eliminee Thia Megia: "I Can Do So Much More"

Shoulda, woulda, coulda, but didn't, were the sentiments eliminated contestant Thia Megia expressed to us Friday while discussing her exit from the Idol stage.

Her rendition of Elton John's "Daniel" may have been some her best work while enjoying the spotlight, but it was too late for redemption. So what does Thia regret, and what does she want to prove to America?

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There's no denying Thia's voice rang clear as a bell week after week, impressing judges Steven Tyler, Jennifer Lopez and Randy Jackson, but it was the consistency of safe song choices and ballads she says greatly contributed to her elimination.�

"The previous weeks where I did ballads, I do regret not choosing more upbeat songs because I don't want to come off as just a ballad singer, which I probably did," she said. "Through the weeks, songs that I wanted to do didn't fit in. I just hope America knows I can do so much more because previous auditions I've done were more upbeat and on the contemporary side. "

Thia isn't only thinking about what she could have done different. She says there are no regrets for choosing to sing "Daniel."�

"The last performance I did I don't regret at all because I dedicated that song to my brother, and I poured all the motion I had inside me into that song," she shared. "I'm happy that the last song I got to do on the show was dedicated to my big brother."

Sure, it sucks to have the Idol journey cut short, but Thia isn't focusing on what was. Instead, she's looking toward performing on this summer's American Idol tour and showing America she's got more in her than just a bunch of pretty ballads.�

"I felt a bit devastated last night, but I didn't cry for more than 15 minutes because I told myself things happen for a reason," she said. "[For] all the exposure I've gotten on the show, this is definitely not the end of the road." I'm excited for the tour. I feel this is my chance to show America that I don't just sing ballads and I can do so much more because I love to sing any kind of song from any kind of genre. During the tour we'll be able to sing songs that we haven't been able to on the show."

Do you think it was Thia's time to leave the competition? Are you going to buy tickets to the American Idol summer tour? Who do you think will be next to go? Let us know in the comments!

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