Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Gossip Girl Star Blake Lively Rocked By Naked Photos Leak!


Blake Lively won't be happy about this!!!

Nude photos allegedly of the Gossip Girl star have JUST leaked!

What will new boyfriend Leonardo DiCaprio think????

CLICK HERE to check out the 5 uncensored and NSFW photos!!!!
CLICK HERE to check out the 5 uncensored and NSFW photos!!!!
CLICK HERE to check out the 5 uncensored and NSFW photos!!!!
CLICK HERE to check out the 5 uncensored and NSFW photos!!!!
CLICK HERE to check out the 5 uncensored and NSFW photos!!!!
CLICK HERE to check out the 5 uncensored and NSFW photos!!!!
CLICK HERE to check out the 5 uncensored and NSFW photos!!!!

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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/inspirationally/CelebrityGossipNewsHeadlines/~3/QLJfa0v4Jn8/

Maria Menounos Jennifer Morrison FSU Cowgirls Minka Kelly Haylie Duff

Brad Feld, MD Foundry Group, on The Startup Visa

Video interview with Brad Feld, Managing Director, Foundry Group. Brad has been an early stage investor and entrepreneur for over twenty years. Prior to co-founding Foundry Group, he co-founded Mobius Venture Capital and, prior to that, founded Intensity Ventures, a company that helped launch and operate software companies. Brad is also a co-founder of TechStars & CEO NCWIT.� You can find him at his blog Feld Thoughts & on Twitter. For further information check out http://www.ezebis.com

Pemo: Brad you have been at the forefront of promoting the ?Startup Visa?; as someone who battled with the venture industry in Europe, I say good work you!� In Europe it is much more difficult to gain venture funding, for both men & women who often feel shut out of the possibilities in the venture game.� This is such a great cause & I support you wholeheartedly!� Could you give a quick update as to the progress of this visa?�

Brad: Sure, the Startup Visa is the same phenomena that we're talking about with women.� The reason I got excited about the notion of a startup visa was I thought it was absolutely stupid, not just mediumly dumb, not just short sighted, just stupid that in the United States we would make it difficult for somebody who wanted to be an entrepreneur who was a foreigner to come start their company in the US. It just never made sense to me.� There's a whole long litany of reasons around immigration & around stuff that makes no sense apart from the job perspective.� Because of course entrepreneurs are creating companies that didn't previously exist which generates jobs that didn't previously exist.� But its the same thread & for me personally.

I think that anybody that wants to start a company should be able to.� It's already hard enough to create a company & be successful, you should eliminate as much of the barriers as you possibly can.

Where the Startup Visa is at, we started talking about it a little bit more than a year ago.� There are 2 active Bills, one in the House & one in the Senate. They're both still in Committee. That means in the US Government (for foreign viewers) is that the Bills are actually real Bills that have gotten past the initial vetting process but they still haven't gotten to the point where anybody takes a vote on them.� So they're still far away from becoming law. Because of the Election cycle & the dynamics of how politics is working in the US right now, because the Startup Visa touches on a visa, it gets wrapped� into the entire immigration debate which is a very contentious, very wide ranging debate, very polarized. I think our general sense at this stage, especially since we have elections coming up, nothing's going to happen between now & the elections. It will be a 2011 issue. Our hope is that sometime in 2011, immigration reform starts to become� something that's focused on a more important & obviously from a jobs perspective, an entrepreneurial perspective, we hope that the Startup Visa will start to pick up some speed from that.

Pemo: Brilliant, thanks again for putting this forward & for all your support for it and for european entrepreneurs! I would like to thank you again for your time today, Brad, I really appreciate your feedback.� You're really a star out there in the community, in the entrepreneurial community.� I've learnt so much for years actually from your blog� & do appreciate you giving me this time.�

Brad: I really appreciate it.� One thing I'd end on & something that has come from the work we've done at NCWIT is that it's not really a right or wrong issue around women in technology argument which is what a lot of people make it out to be.� Essentially men & women own all the cultural dynamics & we've created it & the biases have emerged societally. I think in 2010 there's no question that women who enter into technology cultures will have a harder time of it. There's a bias against it right now.� You know 'hard' is just what it is, it's just more difficult. We can all learn from that & part of what we need to learn from that is how to lower the bias so that there isn't artificial bias in the process.�

Pemo: I read a post on TheFunded.com earlier today where someone was saying, you need to be an explorer to be an entrepreneur & generally it's men that are the explorers. I hasten to actually refute that, because I think there's a lot of us women who have incredible explorer focus.� And I think that we can all do it together, like you said.

Brad: I totally agree & statements like that just make my head hurt right. What a ridiculous bias, men are traditionally explorers!� It's just a dumb statement!

Pemo: It's back in the cave man time!

Brad: The only thing you can do is call it out & say there's nothing.

Yes of course women behave differently & do things differently than men but so do I from my partner Jason who sits in the next office to me.� We're all different & we should embrace those differences.�

Thank you for bringing this topic to life with the interviews you've been doing, I appreciate that as well.

Pemo: Thank you Brad

Thanks to Alexander Blu for music 'Concert'

Source: http://www.thenextwomen.com/2011/05/30/brad-feld-md-foundry-group-startup-visa

Lauren Bush Malia Jones Malin Akerman Dominique Swain Hayden Panettiere

Five Ways to Keep New Star Wars TV Show From Sucking

When it comes to George Lucas' live-action Star Wars TV series, The Force is definitely a little weak right now.

Sure, the head Jedi may have revealed during a recent appearance on G4's Attack of the Show that he's got plenty of material written for his hopefully-sometime-in-our-lifetime small-screen program about a certain galaxy far, far away. But he also admitted he's still not ready to draw his proverbial light saber and attack it head-on.

"We have 50 hours and we're just waiting to figure out a different way of making movies, a different technology that we can use, that will make it economically feasible to shoot the show," Lucas said. "Right now it looks like the Stars Wars features, but we have to figure out a way of making it for about a tenth the cost of the features because it's television."

Well, George, while you continue to figure out what needs to be done on the technological/financial front, may we suggest the following to prevent this project from going the way of the planet Alderaan?

READ: From Jar Jar to Har-Har?Here Comes the Star Wars Sitcom

1. Absolutely No Singing: Yes, we know you've essentially disowned the infamous Star Wars Holiday Special that was cruelly unleashed on TV audiences all those years ago, but please, please don't be tempted to turn to that 1978 debacle now for inspiration simply in light of Glee's popularity.

2. More Boba Fett: Of course, that special did give geeks their first introduction to the cool, quiet bounty hunter and we've certainly been fans of his ever since. So, obviously, feel free to utilize Boba as much as possible. In fact, why not just build the whole freakin' thing around him?

3. More Han Solo: When the Millennium Falcon captain replied to Princess Leia's "I love you" with an "I know" just before getting turned into a piece of art for Jabba the Hutt's lair, we knew right then and there we would always long for more adventures involving our favorite space smuggler.�

4. Less Jar Jar: Actually, we take it back. Make that, no Jar Jar.

5. Ease up on the CGI: OK, this last one probably flies right in the face of what you've got planned, George. But, remember, there's a reason why A New Hope, with its now-dated special effects, still holds up even today.

PHOTOS: Sci-Fi Babes Do It Better

Source: http://feeds.eonline.com/~r/eonline/topstories/~3/U8bxzyUdtTM/b244715_five_ways_keep_new_star_wars_tv_show.html

Alicia Witt Erika Christensen Bridget Moynahan Kristen Bell Whitney Able

Military veteran's conviction upheld in fatal baseball bat beating of pregnant woman, fetus

LOS ANGELES - A state appellate court panel today upheld a military veteran's conviction for the baseball bat murder of a pregnant woman inside a California Army National Guard armory in Culver City.

The three-justice panel from California's 2nd District Court of Appeal found that Scott Allen Ansman "mercilessly struck" Joann Harris with a baseball bat, killing her and her 16-week-old fetus on Aug. 24, 2007.

In a 41-page ruling, the appellate court justices found that the evidence of Ansman's guilt was "overwhelming."

"The evidence portrays defendant as a desperate man consumed with guilt at the prospect of losing his family after cheating on his wife and believing, albeit incorrectly, that his sexual tryst with Harris resulted in her pregnancy," Associate Justice Frank Y. Jackson wrote on behalf of the panel.

"Defendant hoped that Harris would have an abortion, but she decided otherwise, causing him to be consumed with worry."

The appellate court panel noted that Ansman's co-workers recounted conversations in which he inquired about hiring a hitman and vowed that no one would come between him and his family.

The former U.S. Army veteran, who was a supply sergeant at the armory, called 911 from the armory and claimed that he beat the woman with a baseball bat after she pepper-sprayed him. He told investigators that Harris had also tried to stab him after he swung the baseball bat at her.

Ansman was convicted of murder for the slayings of the 29-year-old

woman and her fetus and was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Source: http://www.dailynews.com/news/ci_18175554?source=rss

Ehrinn Cummings Leila Arcieri Christina Aguilera Jessica Cauffiel Mary Elizabeth Winstead

Demi Moore Speaks Out Against Elephant Cruelty

Making a preemptive strike to hope that her voice helps sway voters, Demi Moore has written a letter to the Fulton County Board of Commissioners in regards to the treatment of elephants.

The Board of Commisioners will be voting on a proposal that would protects elephants in circuses by banning the use of bullhooks in the county - which Miss Moore desperately wants to ensure passes.

The always-active "Ghost" actress said in her letter:

"Dear Commissioner:

I am writing in support of a proposal that would protect elephants in circuses by banning the use of bullhooks and similar devices in Fulton County.

A bullhook is an ugly device that looks like a fireplace poker?it's a heavy rod with a sharp metal hook and spike on one end that is used by trainers to beat, jab, hook, and yank elephants in order to force them to perform difficult and confusing tricks. Their use also leads to injuries such as puncture wounds and abscesses.

My friends at PETA have gathered irrefutable evidence showing that the use of bullhooks to abuse elephants in circuses is routine. A recent undercover investigation of the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus revealed that elephants were struck repeatedly with bullhooks in order to intimidate them and remind them that they need to do as they're told or suffer the painful consequences. And photos from Ringling's training compound illustrate that this abuse starts at a very early age. Baby elephants are torn from their mothers, bound with ropes, slammed to the ground, and gouged with bullhooks during violent training sessions. A trainer with the one of the elephant suppliers for UniverSoul Circus was caught on video viciously attacking elephants with a bullhook and instructing others to sink bullhooks into elephants' flesh and twist them until the animals screamed in pain.

Today, elephant sanctuaries and most zoos?including Zoo Atlanta?never use bullhooks or other weapon-like tools to punish elephants. Corporal punishment has been replaced with positive reinforcement, such as treats and praise. I hope you will extend that inherent decency to elephants used in circuses. I urge you to ban bullhooks. The elephants deserve our kindness, respect, and protection.

Thank you for your time. I can be reached through PETA's Michelle Cho at [contact information redacted].

Yours truly,

Demi Moore"

Source: http://celebrity-gossip.net/demi-moore/demi-moore-speaks-out-against-elephant-cruelty-510248

Michael Michele Tila Tequila Zoe Saldana Eve Katherine Heigl

TV Update: Will Sookie Choose Eric or Alcide to Replace Bill on True Blood?

True Blood: The latest promo for season four of HBO�True Blood shows much trouble ahead for Sookie (Anna Paquin) and Bill (Stephen Moyer)?and if you don't get chills when Eric (Alexander Skarsg�rd) lays down the law on Sookie at the end of the trailer, then maybe you're not ready for the new episodes.

Plus, get scoop on the return of Breaking Bad�(including a new trailer!)�and Jonathan Groff (duh) in today's TV Update?.

MORE: Criminal Minds Cast Shakeup: Paget Brewster In, Rachel Nichols Out

Breaking Bad:�AMC announced today that Breaking Bad will return with its fourth season on Sunday, July 17 at 10 p.m. And if that wasn't enough to get you excited for more Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul awesomely acting their faces off, AMC also posted a season four trailer.

Glee: TheCraptacular.com was on the panel of Broadway experts allowed to be in the phone presence of his Groffiness, Jonathan Groff, when he chatted with BroadwayWorld Radio. �He talks the Glee tour, Jesse St. James, and a lot more. Not that you all care, because all you need to know is that he spoke, and that's enough for most Groff fans.

Cougar Town: Looks like Cougar Town boss Bill Lawrence is definitely going through with the name change. He tweeted on Friday:"Screw it. I'm changing it (if Kevin's cool w it. Someone ask him for me). Seriously, we just decided. Will use fans to help w new title." Better tweet your suggestions at him now before he decides on something like Friends II.

30 Rock: Alec Baldwin joined Twitter. This is the kind of groundbreaking and exciting news we like to share in the summer.

WATCH: Snooki Crashes Into Police Car While Filming Jersey Shore in Italy

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Source: http://feeds.eonline.com/~r/eonline/topstories/~3/P0or6AzmSmc/b244693_tv_update_will_sookie_choose_eric.html

Jamie Chung Jill Arrington Shakira Kristy Swanson America Ferrera

The Extra Stuff: Memorable War Movies

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ExtraTV/~3/CpT-_jwGpEA/the_extra_stuff_memorable_war_movies.php

Veronika Vaeková Amerie Rose Byrne Kelly Hu Michelle Branch

Four Things You Didn?t Know You Could Cook on the Grill

For the next summer holiday…dont be so predictable when you’re on the grill…Yes obviously, hot dogs and hamburgers are the staple at most barbecues. If you want to do something a little different on the next holiday, here are four things you didn’t know you could cook on the grill.#1.)  Lettuce.  Before you make a [...]

Source: http://ksfm.radio.com/2011/05/31/four-things-you-didnt-know-you-could-cook-on-the-grill/

FSU Cowgirls Minka Kelly Haylie Duff Jessica Paré Rebecca Mader

Kourtney Kardashian: Proud Manhattan Mommy

Enjoying some quality time with her son Mason, Kourtney Kardashian was spotted out in New York City on Sunday (May 29).

The ?Keeping Up with the Kardashians? babe looked so proud as her little guy climbed some stairs all by himself while the paparazzi looked on.

Kourtney recently told press that her newly-engaged sister Kim Kardashian has been nothing but real with her fianc� Kris Humphries.

?Kim is totally herself in front of him. Everything is easy, comfortable, no stress. He fits in with the family already. I think they?re just themselves, and I think that?s the most important thing.?

Source: http://celebrity-gossip.net/kourtney-kardashian/kourtney-kardashian-proud-manhattan-mommy-510049

Nichole Robinson Rachel Nichols Diora Baird Anna Friel Cinthia Moura

Mark Juddery: 7 Most Overrated Things About New York (PHOTOS)

They are meant to be part of the Big Four of entertainment awards: the Oscars, the Grammies, the Emmies and the Tonies. This might seem to make sense. The Tony Awards, after all, are America's biggest theatre awards. Yet the others all have some international flavor. The Emmy Awards focus on US television, but they also hand out International Emmies. The Oscars mainly go to Hollywood films, but they also cater not just to the U.S. indie market, but the rest of the world as well. The Grammies? Whatever you think about them, they are certainly circulated worldwide. The Tony Awards, of course, don't include the world. They don't even include most of America. In fact, they don't even include most of New York. They focus on one street in Manhattan. Sure, it's a big street, but even the Drama Desk Awards cover a wider berth (namely, the rest of New York). The Big Four? Until a major theater award includes productions staged west of the Hudson, we'll just have to enjoy the Big Three.

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mark-juddery/overrated-things-new-york-_b_868850.html

Piper Perabo Carmen Electra Lisa Marie Nikki Cox Alexis Bledel

CONFIRMED N-Dubz's Tulisa and Kelly Rowland to replace Cheryl Cole and Dannii Minogue on The X Factor

Singers Tulisa and Kelly confirmed for UK judging panel

Tulisa wears Matalan| Fashion New| Celebrity Gossip| Now Magazine

Tulisa Contostavlos is the new Cheryl Cole

N-Dubz star Tulisa Contostavlos and Kelly Rowland have been confirmed as judges on The X Factor.

The two girls will compete in the fashion stakes as Cheryl Cole, 27, and Dannii Minogue, 39, have done in previous years.

Tulisa, 22, and Kelly, 30, join Louis Walsh, 58, and Gary Barlow, 40, for the auditions which start in Birmingham on Wednesday.

'The X Factor (UK) judges will be: Gary Barlow, Tulisa Contostavlos, Kelly Rowland & Louis Walsh,' ITV's press centre Tweeted.

Cheryl - who is being managed by Will.i.am - was reported to be in last minute talks with Simon Cowell to get her old job back on the show after being dropped from The X Factor US, but negotiations came to nothing.

'People have been trying to speak to her and persuade her this would be a good idea, but she's been uncontactable,' a source tells the Daily Mail.

?She hasn't returned phone calls. And you can't exactly negotiate with someone who won't even speak to you.'

Simon Cowell appeared at the Britain's Got Talent semi-final yesterday and was booed by Cheryl fans.

The media mogul's friendship with the Geordie star appears to have completely disintegrated. He does not mention her
in his statement about Tulisa and Kelly joining The UK X Factor 2011.

four are totally up for it, each of them bring a different attitude,'
he says. ' They have had a ton of hits between them and they are all
committed to finding a star.

'I have a feeling Louis and Tulisa will have slightly different points of view as to what the next star should look and sound like!'

Tulisa has previously been a critic of series but has obviously had a change of heart.

'It's annoying watching X Factor contestants just come up there and become worldwide acts selling millions of records after just standing in a queue for an hour,' Tulisa told RTE Ten.

'It happens overnight to them. It's very frustrating for all the other acts and artists, but, at the end of the day, it is what it is.'

Now she says: 'I'm so excited to be the joining The X
and want to bring something fresh and new to the panel. I'm not
going to be afraid to speak my mind and mix things up a little.

'I am
hoping to find some hot new talent and mentor a winning category. It is
also going to be great to get to know and work alongside the other
Judges. Let the fireworks begin!'

SEE PICTURES Stars arrive at Simon Cowell's 50th birthday party>>

NEW PICTURES Cheryl Cole wears nude dress to meet Prince Charles>>

SEE PICTURES Cheryl and Ashley Cole: The story so far>>

MORE PHOTOS Cheryl Cole looking red hot at the Elle Style Awards 2011>>

SEE PICTURES The life of Ashley Cole's ex Cheryl Cole>>

FASHION GALLERY SPECIAL Cheryl Cole's fashion history - the highs and the lows>>

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/NEWS_CELEBRITYNEWS/~3/JEnIi2llpg4/story01.htm

Sienna Miller Ali Larter Jamie Chung Jill Arrington Shakira

Dolly Parton loves to cook

31 May 2011

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Dolly Parton loves cooking up ''old Southern soul food'' from recipes she learnt from her grandma and aunts.

Dolly Parton loves cooking chicken and dumplings.

The 65-year-old singer - who has been married to husband Carl Dean for 45 years - loves being at her home in Nashville, Tennessee, where she can be a "housewife" and cook up feasts.

She said: "I'm like a housewife. I grew up doing the cooking, as mum was always pregnant.

I learnt from my grandma and aunts, so most of my cooking is old Southern soul food. I'm not a gourmet cook - it's not pretty, but it tastes good. Everyone loves my chicken and dumplings.

"I learnt from my grandma and aunts, so most of my cooking is old Southern soul food. I'm not a gourmet cook - it's not pretty, but it tastes good. Everyone loves my chicken and dumplings."

Despite her long marriage to Carl, Dolly believes the key to their success is simply they get along so well and never fight.

She told Hello! magazine: "We hardly see each other so we don't have time to fight! We're good friends. We're different but we get along good. We are like any other couple at home; I do the cooking, he takes out the trash. He's always painting or fixing something up around the house."

Buy Dolly Parton Music
  • Zoom Karaoke CD+G - Legends Volume 15 - 25 Female Country Tracks [Card Wallet]


  • Letter to Heaven: Songs of Faith & Inspiration


  • Dolly: Box Set


  • Live  From  London (NTSC)


Buy Dolly Parton DVDs
  • Dolly Parton - Live And Well [DVD]


Source: http://www.femalefirst.co.uk/celebrity/Dolly+Parton-39417.html

Poppy Montgomery Sophia Bush Denise Richards Chandra West Connie Nielsen

Monday, May 30, 2011

Sean Kingston In ICU After Jet Ski Accident

kingston1 Sean Kingston In ICU After Jet Ski Accident

Singer Sean Kingston is reportedly in critical condition after his jet ski struck a bridge in Florida on Sunday.

Kingston hit a bridge that Palm Island with the MacArthur Causeway in Miami, Florida, on Sunday evening and was taken to Jackson Memorial Hospital nearby to be treated for his injuries.

Sean?s rep, 21, stated, ?Sean Kingston was in an accident today. No further details are available at the moment. He and his family thank everyone for the well-wishes.?

A female passenger riding on the back of the jet-ski was also transported to the hospital.

?Sean Kingston is now stabilized and has moved from the trauma unit to ICU,? a statement by Epic Records revealed. ?Sean?s family thanks everyone for their prayers and support during this time.?

Rapper Nicki Minaj tweeted her support for the singer, saying: ?My love & prayers are with Sean Kingston & his family.(sic)?

Justin Bieber wrote, ?got my friend @seankingston in my prayers tonight. a true friend and big bro. please keep him in your prayers tonight as well.(sic)?

Click thumbnails for larger pictures

Images: wenn.com


Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/stupidcelebrities/~3/HpcTgQHKLg4/

Lauren Bush Malia Jones Malin Akerman Dominique Swain Hayden Panettiere

Win It: Go to the Veuve Clicquot Polo Classic!

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ExtraTV/~3/OYPqz1cSjqA/win_it_go_to_the_veuve_clicquot_polo_classic.php

Diane Kruger Lena Headey Tyra Banks Nicollette Sheridan Jennifer Aniston

Dannii Minogue and Kris Smith: We're not going to split

Dannii and Kris issue a statement after rumours of break-up

Dannii Minogue and Kris Smith | pics | pictures | photos | new | news | celebrity gossip | dannii minogue | kris smith | baby | ethan | mum | x-factor

Dannii Minogue and Kris Smith met in Ibiza

Dannii Minogue and boyfriend Kris Smith have denied they've broken up.

Rumours of a split - fuelled by Tweets by them both - blamed Dannii's frantic work schedule for tension between the couple.

But Dannii, 39, and Kris, 32, say in a joint statement:

'Thanks for your concern. We're happy to be back at home in Melbourne together as a family. We are committed to our relationship and [son] Ethan as always.'

Dannii has left The X Factor but is a judge on Australia's Got Talent, runs her own fashion line Project D and has new book My Style to promote.

'We've now done two days of photo shoots for the book and I was so excited about some of the pictures that I got them to print me copies then and there so I can take them to show everyone when I get home to Melbourne next week,' Dannii wrote on her MyDaily.co.uk blog last week.

Kris, 32, was believed to be working in Manchester but arrived in Australia on Friday.

'Kris is not happy about Dannii's heavy workload, and wants her to spend more time with him and baby Ethan, and has put his foot down,' a source told the News Of The World.

Dannii and Kris met in Ibiza three years ago and their son Ethan was born last July.

Read about Dannii Minogue's exit from The X Factor in Now magazine dated 30 May 2011 - out now!

Now cover 30 May 2011

SEE PICTURES Dannii Minogue and Kris Smith's relationship in pictures>>

PICS Dannii Minogue and Kris Smith out and about with baby Ethan>>

FASHION GALLERY Dannii Minogue - a style icon>>

MORE PICTURES Dannii Minogue's hair styles>>

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/NEWS_CELEBRITYNEWS/~3/PHJcH5Bs2oQ/story01.htm

Carmen Electra Lisa Marie Nikki Cox Alexis Bledel Jennifer Sky

Snooki's Italian Police Car Crash

Starting off her week in custody, Nicole ?Snooki? Polizzi was arrested after crashing into a police car in Florence, Italy earlier today (May 30).

The "Jersey Shore" star reportedly struck the back of the market vehicle before getting her own car wedged between it and the highway protection wall.

Fellow castmate Deena Nicole Cortese was spotted in the passenger seat, while Jenni ?JWoww? Farley was supposedly on the scene, too, until she made an exit through the car window.

According to TMZ, the self-proclaimed guidette has not been formally arrested as of yet.

Source: http://celebrity-gossip.net/nicole-polizzi/snookis-italian-police-car-crash-509968

Rachel Hunter Laura Harring Vitamin C Daniella Alonso Larissa Meek

Cuba related events and exhibitions

A Revolutionary Project: Cuba from Walker Evans to Now

Where: J. Paul Getty Museum, 1200 Getty Center Drive, Los Angeles.

What: Exhibition looks at three critical periods in Cuba's history, unites Walker Evans' photos from the 1930s with those of Cubans who participated in the 1959 revolution and contemporary foreign artists exploring the island nation since the end of Soviet support in the 1990s. Admission free but parking is $15.

When: Through Oct. 2

Info: 310-440-7300 or www.getty.edu

Cuban Spotlight, 17th Annual Los Angeles Film Festival

Where: Regal Cinemas, L.A. Live, 1000 W. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles.

When: June 16-26

What: Will feature Cuban films, followed by onstage filmmaker Q&As with the audience. The series will include the narrative features "Ticket to Paradise," "Havana Eva," "Suite Habana" and the documentary "Operation Peter Pan: Flying Back to Cuba."

Info: 866-345-6337, www.lafilmfest.com

Cuban Film Posters: From Havana to the World

Where: Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, 8949 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills.

What: Showcases 125 hand-silkscreened posters from Cuban

and international films created by artists engaged by the Instituto Cubano de Arte e Industria Cinematograficos, the film institute formed soon after the 1959 revolution. The posters represent such international films as "The Bicycle Thief," "Persona," "Z," "A Clockwork Orange" and "The Shining," and dozens of Cuban films, including "Fallen Gods" and "Strawberry and Chocolate," the country's only foreign language film Oscar nominee.

When: Through Aug. 28

Info: www.oscars.org/sicubasocal

Humor from My Pen: An Exhibition of Political Cartoons by Gerardo Hernandez Nordelo

Where: SPARC, 685 N. Venice Blvd., Venice.

What: An exhibition of political cartoons by Gerardo Hernandez Nordelo, one of the imprisoned Cuban Five whom some consider a political prisoner of the U.S. The exhibition also will include works by Lalo Alcaraz, creator of the nationally syndicated daily cartoon "La Cucaracha." Admission is free.

When: June 4?17

Info: www.sparcmurals.org or www.thecuban5.org

Film Series: Soy Cuba!

Where: J. Paul Getty Museum.

What: Four-part film series examines both the beauty and brutality of Cuba from various perspectives. The series will screen "Our Man in Havana" (1960) directed by Carol Reed, "I Am Cuba" (1964) directed by Mikhail Kalatozov, "Memories of Underdevelopment" (1938) directed by Tom s Guti rrez Alea and "Lucia" (1969) directed by Humberto Solas. Admission is free; reservations are required.

When: June 11?12

Info: 310-440-7300 or www.getty.edu

The Magic of Dance,�Ballet Nacional de Cuba

Where: Segerstrom Center for the Arts, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa.

What: The company from Havana returns to Southern California, with performances that showcase the classical style by company founder and legendary prima ballerina Alicia Alonso. The performances will include scenes from "Swan Lake," "Giselle," "Coppelia" and "The Sleeping Beauty."

When: June 15?19

Info: 714-556-2787, www.scfta.org

A Celebration of Cuban Film

Where: Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences' Samuel Goldwyn Theater.

What: Presented in association with the Los Angeles Film Festival's Cuban Spotlight, the Academy gala will feature film clips from the Cuban titles showcased by the festival and present an onstage panel discussion with visiting directors. Hosted by the festival's artistic director David Ansen, the program also will include a screening of Cuba's Oscar-nominated "Strawberry and Chocolate."

When: June 22

Info: www.oscars.org/sicubasocal

Don Quixote, Ballet Nacional de Cuba

Where: Music Center's Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, 135 N. Grand Ave., Los Angeles.

What: The company continues its Southern California engagement with the full-length ballet "Don Quixote."

When: June 23?26

Info: 213-972-0711, www.musiccenter.org

Cuban Night at the Hollywood Bowl

Where: Hollywood Bowl, 2301 N. Highland Ave., Los Angeles.

What: Performers for this special Cuban-themed evening include Orquesta Buena Vista Social Club featuring Omara Portuondo; Arturo Sandoval & the L.A. All-Star Big Band; Ninety Miles featuring Stefon Harris, David Sanchez and Christian Scott. They will be playing against a backdrop of projected images depicting historic and present-day Cuba, in conjunction with the Getty's exhibition, "A Revolutionary Project." Presented by the Los Angeles Philharmonic.

When: Aug. 24

Info: 323-850-2000, www.hollywoodbowl.com

Carlos Varela at the Playboy Jazz Festival

Where: Hollywood Bowl.

What: The 47-year-old singer-songwriter, sometimes referred to as the Bob Dylan of Cuba, is known for his compelling and insightful songs that hook listeners with a unique poetic perspective on life in the island nation. He is performing on the second day of the festival.

When: June 12

Info: 310-450-1173, www.playboyjazzfestival.com.

Gloria Estefan

Where: Hollywood Bowl

What: The seven-time Grammy Award-winning pop music superstar, who was born in Havana and fled Cuba as a child with her parents, will be inducted into the Hollywood Bowl Hall of Fame during the opening night at the famed venue.

When: June 17

Info: 323-850-2000, www.hollywoodbowl.com

Source: http://www.dailynews.com/news/ci_18166955?source=rss

Sarah Michelle Gellar Whitney Port Christina Applegate Bali Rodriguez Alicia Witt

Copycats Versus Innovation in The BRIC World

BRIC countries have received a lot of attention in the past decade due to both their economic growth and competitive pricing on exports, but also for their maturing online users and the vast return potential it has given to entrepreneurs in their late dotcom boom. Although many BRIC entrepreneurs have developed their own web ideas and innovative technologies, many recent big exits have come from reproducing US and European business models, a practice often referred to as ?copycats?.

It does make you wonder whether copycats are as bad as the name sounds, and whether they do not have a sense of innovation in markets that haven?t yet experienced the benefits of certain long-popular-in-the-west web and mobile platforms.

It has been really hard for entrepreneurs to win a user base for copycats of Facebook in the US or Europe, given it had already become famous and broadly used, but given the political circumstances of China, among other things, it was certainly easier to do so there. That might explain why most European copycats of facebook have just over 100,000 users while Renren (or Xiaonei), the Chinese copy-cat claims 117M users and has raised $740M in its recent IPO.

There is no shame in reproducing a business model that works in another country, learn from their mistakes and accelerate user adoption in your local market. Entrepreneurs have done this since the beginning of times, from the application of 6-Sigma to the rodizio restaurants across Europe and America.

But in a (Silicon Valley) World where innovation and originality are always seen as the most important attributes for success, the international reproduction of an existing online model is badly perceived (although in some cases it is so shameless you can?t help but feel they are taking a ride on someone?s hard work and success ? see rutube.ru. But if execution is the most important element of taking an idea to success, is it really that bad to build copycats?

Well, they may be more numerous in BRIC countries, but they have worked just as well in Europe, it just requires a lot more shooting power here (aka venture capital).� Citydeal raised over ?4M to copy GroupOn (as shamelessly as the previously mentioned Russians) in time to build a vast user base that translated into an early exit through a GroupOn acquisition. GroupOn?s case is exceptional in the sense that its model is so easy to reproduce, that it already has over 1025 copycats in Brazil, and over 1880 in China. �Exception or not, the giant has purchased a few copycats in Chile, Russia and Japan, but went on a fierce fight against their main rival in Brazil. �

GroupOn copycatted its copycat, Peixe Urbano (Urban Fish) with ClubeUrbano.com (Urban Club) prior to exploring their normal GroupOn brand in Brazil. Given the Brazilian fish and local leader has secured some of the best local talent and influential cash-rich investors in just over 14months of existence, it is doubtful that GroupOn will beat them locally despite them claiming they already own the market. That is precisely why copycats tend to work better in BRIC countries.

Those markets have emerged a lot faster than the Western World, and are very inward facing in comparison.

Most Europeans are well above the poverty line and speak English, and although they do stick to local players, they often have their eye on other markets, especially the US. Brazilians do not. Russians do not. Indians do not. And Chinese.... cannot.

What is probably one the greatest barriers to entry for US and European start-ups looking to expand to those markets, is the key advantage to any local entrepreneur reproducing successful business models from mature markets. They know their local audience, and how to successfully cater for them.

I would personally argue that GroupOn would have been better off buying Peixe Urbano than CityDeal, simply because buying CityDeal was only an accelerator, and a short one. ?If you can?t beat them, join them?. However with enough cash and a little time, GroupOn would have beaten them in the European market, like so many US grown start-ups do. But in emerged markets like Brazil, money and time will not guarantee success. Not only will it take longer to adjust to the local market, but it might not work. MercadoLibre is a good example ? the Latin American eBay copycat did an IPO in 2007 (with eBay holding to its few shares, acquired through the sell out of iBazar?s operations in Brazil to MercadoLibre) and remains regional leader.

Brazil may seem very similar culturally to America given the strong influence it has on the country?s youth via television shows, films and music, but it remains an emerged market where you need to understand the local culture of business and interrelations to identify the best talent, attract masses of users and close the best partnerships.

That might be why investors who?ve followed the ?replicate existing model and get a quick exit? strategy in BRICs have already seen great returns. In the case of Jose Marin and Fabrice Grinda�it might be down to the quality of their advice and engagement as investors, but one thing is certain ? serial entrepreneurs with experience across Europe, Americas and Asia are the best angels/advisors a BRIC copycat start-up can ask for.�

So why do most investors and growing start-ups from the US and Europe continue to look for investment opportunities and expansion across the Atlantic ocean before anywhere else? Brazil is already the 4th largest country in terms of online users in the World, with the average Brazilian spending more time online than any other nationality, and growing.

When I met one of the most famous Mobile-focused VCs in Europe at an event, they were surprised to hear how large and advanced Brazil is - it made me feel I knew a secret, a very public secret Europeans and Americans don?t see while they continue to face each other with blinkers.

Europeans and Americans continue to race each other, building ?TechCities? or moving to Silicon Valley in a quest to build the next Google or Facebook. In the meantime entrepreneurs in emerging and emerged markets are enjoying fast adoptions and early exits. $10M to $20M exits may sound less than ambitious in Europe or the US, but given the 2 to 3 year returns of 10 to 15 times in a World where only one out of a million entrepreneurs will hit the (speculated) Facebook jackpot, I wouldn?t overlook them.

This article was written by Joana Picq for today's launch of HotwirePR's advisory board�where she sits alongside other UK and European experts.�

Source: http://www.thenextwomen.com/2011/05/26/copycats-versus-innovation-bric-world

Majandra Delfino Georgianna Robertson Yvonne Strzechowski Gina Carano Emmanuelle Chriqui

Happy Birthday: May 30th

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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/inspirationally/CelebrityGossipNewsHeadlines/~3/GvqKRzr-qYM/

Cameron Diaz Dita Von Teese Lauren Conrad Nelly Furtado Tricia Vessey

'Hangover 2' Sloshes into Theaters This Weekend

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ExtraTV/~3/luQFRsCYP7A/hangover_2_sloshes_into_theaters_memorial_day.php

Vanessa Marcil Kim Yoon jin Brittny Gastineau Piper Perabo Carmen Electra

Brad Pitt: Time to Re-Consider Getting Married?

Having long held the position that "Angie and I will consider tying the knot when everyone else in the country who wants to be married is legally able," could Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie be having a change of heart?

"The kids ask about marriage. It's meaning more and more to them," the Tree of Life star and father of six tells USA Weekend. "So it's something we've got to look at."

While a wedding may still be on the distant horizon, what Pitt, 47, does makes clear is that his children ? ages 2 to 9 ? have already turned his life around.

"Kids hold up a mirror to you," he says. "You can't make excuses. You've got to make sure they've brushed their teeth and eaten a good breakfast. You want to be present if they wake up with a bad dream."

While he has admitted to enjoying the chaos his large brood sometimes creates, Pitt also owns up to a certain order in their lives, whether at their Los Angeles "base camp" ? as he calls the family's main home ? or on international film sets.

"On the road, we're a military mobile unit," he says. "The kids have got their stuff down to one backpack, and they're each responsible for their own bag. Mom does the packing; she's quite gifted at that. Puts in just what we need ? nothing extra."

"We're pretty nomadic," he remarks. "We go where the crops are."

Despite their extraordinary circumstances, he says, "Angie and I do everything we can to carve out some semblance of normalcy for them, to re-create the kinds of moments that were special for us."

That also includes private time for the adults. "There are no secrets at our house," Pitt says. "We tell the kids, 'Mom and Dad are going off to kiss.' They go, 'Eww, gross!' But we demand it."

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Source: http://feeds.people.com/~r/people/headlines/~3/bLRejUzCPCA/0,,20498735,00.html

Christina Applegate Bali Rodriguez Alicia Witt Erika Christensen Bridget Moynahan

Tony and Candice -- The Eyes Have It

Tony Romo and Candice Crawford exchanged "the look of love" during their wedding yesterday.

It's okay, you can "awwwwwwwwwww!"

Tags: Tony Romo,�Candice Crawford,�Paparazzi Photo,�TMZ Sports

Add your comments

Source: http://www.tmz.com/2011/05/29/tony-romo-candice-crawford-wedding-dallas-cowboys-quarterback/

Dita Von Teese Lauren Conrad Nelly Furtado Tricia Vessey Pink

Sarah Jessica Parker & Willie Garson's Kids Are BFFs, Too

Sarah Jessica Parker and Willie Garson were BFFs on Sex and the City. And now, their kids are, too.

Garson, who played Stanford Blatch on the HBO series and feature films, tells PEOPLE that his son Nathen is great friends with James Wilkie ? Parker and Matthew Broderick?s 8�-year-old son.

Parker was ?an inspiration to me when I was adopting,? the White Collar�star, 47, told PEOPLE Wednesday at the FiFi fragrance awards in New York. ?I was like, ?Oh, my God, what happens when he says this? And what do I do?? And she was really great.?

Nathen and James Wilkie are about eight months apart in age, ?so they?re buddies,? Garson says. ?We go out to the beach with them and have a great time.?

At the time of the adoption in 2009, Parker and Broderick explained to their son that Nathen had come from a rougher background. And James Wilkie ?was just very welcoming,? Garson says.

Garson says he and Parker were friends for 20 years before Sex and the City, and are still as close as ever.

And how does Garson tell Parker?s 23-month-old twin daughters Tabitha and Loretta apart?

?When you walk in, you?re like, ?Oh, my God, I?m forgetting which one is which,?? he says. ?It?s hairdo, temperament and facial expressions. One is more temperamental, one is calm, calm, calm. One always has hair like Tina Turner in Thunderdome.?

? Jeffrey Slonim

Source: http://feeds.people.com/~r/people/headlines/~3/ARxaNnVTOVQ/

Sophia Bush Denise Richards Chandra West Connie Nielsen Josie Maran

Hip-Hop Star Sean Kingston Seriously Injured in Accident

Hip Hop Star Sean Kingston Seriously Injured in Accident

Around 6pm today, and a female companion were rushed to Jackson Memorial Hospital�in Miami, Florida. Both were on a jet ski at the time of the accident. The only details emerging are that Kingston was driving the vehicle and crashed into a bridge. An investigation is still ongoing.

TMZ is�reporting that Kingston is being treated in the trauma ward and is in critical condition.�An unnamed rep for the singer issued this statement to TMZ: ?Sean Kingston was in an accident today. No further details are available at the moment. He and his family thank everyone for the well-wishes.?

The 21-year old (whose real name is Kisean Anderson)�is originally from Miami, FL but moved to Kingston, Jamaica when he was 6 years old. Discovered on MySpace, he burst onto the music scene in 2007 with his first hit single ?Beautiful Girls.?

Story still developing ?

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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/inspirationally/CelebrityGossipNewsHeadlines/~3/7XViIgGL6vk/

Susie Castillo Giulianna Ramirez Jessica Simpson Missi Pyle Tamala Jones

Sunday, May 29, 2011

THG Week in Review: May 21-27, 2011

Welcome to THG's Week in Review! Below, our staff takes a look back at the stories, stars and scandals that made these last seven days so memorable.

If you don't already, you can FOLLOW THG on Twitter and Facebook for 24/7/365 news. Day in and day out, let us be your #1 celebrity gossip source!

Now, a rundown of the week that was at The Hollywood Gossip:

Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries Photo

Scotty Wins!

JP Rosenbaum, Ashley Hebert

Oprah Says Goodbye

Source: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2011/05/thg-week-in-review-may-21-27-2011/

Rachel Nichols Diora Baird Anna Friel Cinthia Moura Coco Lee

Hangover Part II Breaks Box Office Records This Memorial Day Weekend (Obvs)


So, exactly how much DID The Hangover Part II make this Memorial Day weekend??

Oh, just a mere $86.5 million for the three-day weekend, which makes the movie the highest grossing live-action comedy for a holiday weekend.

The movie beat out the original record holder, Austin Powers in Goldmember, which made $73.1 million. It's also the second-best opening for an R-rated film, topping The Passion of the Christ.

If you include the full 5-day opening from Thursday, the movie made a massive $137.6 million. The first Hangover made less than half of that amount in its first five days.

WOW!! We knew it was going to be big, but for a movie that didn't get the greatest reviews, this is really impressive.

Here are the top five box office results:

1. The Hangover Part II ? $86.5 mil
2. Kung Fu Panda 2 ? $48.0 mil
3. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides ? $39.3 mil
4. Bridesmaids ? $16.4 mil
5. Thor ? $9.4 mil

So?what did U see this Memorial Day weekend??

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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/inspirationally/CelebrityGossipNewsHeadlines/~3/BBqE9zm-_8M/

Diora Baird Anna Friel Cinthia Moura Coco Lee Jolene Blalock

Jennifer Lopez Private Home Videos To Be Released

Jennifer Lopez fans release party LOVE?Jennifer Lopez fans release party LOVE?Jennifer Lopez fans release party LOVE?�WENN View the Gallery�/ 24 Photos � Bad news for Jennifer Lopez,�a Los Angeles court has given Ojani Noa, J.Lo?s first husband, permission to release the�personal home videos of J.Lo and Ojani. Lopez, seen at the May 3 launch of her new album ?LOVE?? has spent all of 2011 relaunching her career. The release of Read More ...

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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/inspirationally/CelebrityGossipNewsHeadlines/~3/ADOYK6z64mo/

Mary Elizabeth Winstead Julie Benz