Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cheryl Cole: American's Like Plastic Surgery Too Much

She?s gearing up for her gig on Simon Cowell's American version of ?The X Factor? and Cheryl Cole is already noticing differences in the USA versus her UK homeland.

During a recent interview the former Girls Aloud singer noted the States? penchant for plastic surgery.

"I've already seen a few funny sights. I can't quite get my head around everyone having the same nose, because I think it's the unique things about your face that make you beautiful. I'm not judging, but unless something is really getting you down, then it's best not to mess with nature."

A gal pal also noted that Cheryl is getting some pressure from Cowell to be extra sexy. "Simon suggested she wear something more daring and leggy, like she did on the UK X Factor. He wants everyone to see her at her sexiest and he thinks she looks amazing in shorter dresses."

"She's really sensitive about her figure right now. She often feels better in trousers or a floor-length dress. It took a lot of guts to get her legs out. She's really self-conscious about them."

Source: http://celebrity-gossip.net/cheryl-cole/cheryl-cole-americans-plastic-surgery-too-much-508680

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