Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cheryl Cole's Broadway Night with Mary Poppins

Fresh off of a big night at the FOX Upfronts, Cheryl Cole treated herself to a relaxing evening at the hit musical "Mary Poppins" on Broadway in New York City on Tuesday evening (May 17).

The British beauty took to the New Amsterdam Theater venue, where she watched the stage effort before chatting backstage with Ashley Brown (Mary Poppins) and Gavin Lee (Bert).

The Broadway outing comes amidst word that Miss Cole has found herself swamped with job offers following her recent short trip to the Cannes Film Festival.

A source told The Sun, "It has been amazing to see the reception Cheryl has had after going to Cannes. As soon as she got back to America, people from California were getting in touch about having her in their films."

The Sun insider continued, "When she went to the festival last year there was a lot of interest from the media but nothing like this kind of attention from movie companies. It just shows how quickly her profile has rocketed now she is on the US X Factor. At the moment it's just about sorting out when she can actually fit in any filming because her schedule is full until Christmas. She's very keen though."


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