Liv Tyler Wants to Duet With Dad StevenLiv Tyler's life with her dad, 'American Idol' judge Steven Tyler, may have gotten a late start, but the actress is looking to make up for lost time by joining him in one of his favorite pursuits: music.

Liv, who found out the true identity of her father when she was 9 years old, says that she shares her father's love of music and looks forward to the day when they can put something together professionally. "We sing all the time together. We always talk about doing something together," says Tyler.

The actress, who stars in the upcoming comedy 'Super' with Ellen Page and Rain Wilson, appeared in a number of Aerosmith videos during her teenage years, but still has yet to live out her dream of recording with her rocker dad. "Sometimes when he is in the studio he'll say, 'Come down and sing backup or sing with me on this song.' But I'm usually somewhere else, and our schedules make it so hard to meet up."